It's that time of year again!! YEAH!! We made our annual Gingerbread houses (out of graham crackers) with my inlaws this past friday...SO FUN! I think this has been the first year that I felt like I knew what I was doing....The kids all did so awesome too! Big Baby just ate the candy and didnt really show an interest in wanting to do one (phew!)so just the older kids did one...we yet have decided where to put them. We are really excited for Christmas this year! We are going to start a few new traditions with the kids.. The first one is to go to Thanksgiving Point for the lights and maybe a carriage ride... the second I want to start is sleeping under (or right by) the christmas tree, reading books on Christs birth and other christmas stories a few days before christmas. Every year we have always gone to see the lights at Temple square as well, but this year we are going to start taking our own hot chocolate to walk around with.. (because my family is getting so large!)...It hasnt snowed too much yet this year but we love to go sledding when it that I think will always be one of our traditions as well!...maybe not for me though this year because of this massive belly I have :)