Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun Hair

I absolutely LOVED how ALL of these hairstyles looked on the girls! Sammies was really easy took me like 3 minutes i added these clippies in it. the original do has none i think i got it off of hairforaprincess blog..sorry blogger has issues with letting me put a link on here! anyway you can get to the blog from girlydos.

I was REALLY excited about this hairstyle off of jenns blog..girlydos..i love it/...i was surprised it worked on short hair i had sooo many compliments! thank you jenn!!!

i got this idea off of a short hair blog i am not sure which one it was one of babesinhairland sidebar links...aubrey LOVES it and it was sooo easy not very many elastics so she was happy! i tied a bow at the top instead of have in the messy buns..


2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Oh they just look adorable! Girl hair is so much FUN! :)

Jacki said...

Such cute hairdo's! I need a girl!

Aubrey said...

Those ended up really cute. So are those clips new? Or are they older. If new where did you get them, because I had some but most of the broke so I have been looking for more for a while.

Stephanie said...

hey aubrey i actually have been through sooo many of the clippes cause the kids lose them and break them, i get them over at target at jordan landing,,,,i think i bought all of them when i was there a few days ago:)

Jenny said...

I love it! Aubs hair is super cute with that ribbon...I'm going to do that next time. I love Girly Do's and Hailey bugs me to get on there often and do a new hairdo.

Jenn said...

Look at you--- you have entered the insane world of hair!!!! Fun fun!!