Sunday, August 23, 2009

Parker has had this hang tooth for over a month that he REFUSED to let me try to pull. I am not very good at pulling teeth so after many failed attempts with his first tooth I let my dad do it! Of course he is the pro since he had 8 kids he had to help!
Anyway I finally got my dad over to pull this top one because Parker was lookin like tow mater!
After ALOT of crying we finally coaxed Parker into letting my dad put a piece of floss on it and ..PULL popped right out and a little blood flicked me in the face and parker just laid there .....silent....then said "Eh it didnt hurt:)" got up and put it in a bag for the toothfairy. Bring on the Rabbit teeth!


Jacki said...

He looks stinkin' cute with no tooth!

Jenn said...

Love the toothless grin! He sports it well.

Jenny said...

Wow...his first top tooth! Love it! Bet the toothfairy will spoil him on this one ;)