Saturday, January 16, 2010


A month ago the kids had their dentist appointments to get their teeth cleaned.
Since Sammantha is 8 now they did her first panoramic x-ray ...which uncovered her canine teeth were heading straight into the roots of her permanent ones so the Dr. said we would need to pull 4 of her teeth!! POOR girl! she has the WORST teeth in the world and the worst luck! so to prevent major dental problems in the future we got them pulled yesterday.
She was the best patient! She of course got the laughing gas and did not even notice them giving her shots! I wish I was there to take some pics or video, but I was working all day so the Hubbs took her. I was sick to my stomach the whole time not knowing what was happening...anyway she did wonderful and Matthew took good care of her and let her stay in our bed and watch the boob tube all day! ") The tooth fairy didnt make it to our house last night which I am glad because I would have not gotten pics of these narly teeth!


Jenn said...

They seem so huge in that box, but look so little in there mouths don't they?

Ariane said...

Sick teeth! Poor Sammy, it's a good thing she's so darn cute! She can pull off the missing teeth just fine :-)

Joe N' Jess said...

Oh man! Just seeing them yesterday was crazy!!!! I couldn't believe it! Poor girly!

Jenny said...

Wow! That is crazy! Those teeth are huge! I hope she's still doing well, what a champ! Abby couldn't even do the laughing gas for a few cavities, she was screaming bloody So, way to go Samm!