Monday, March 3, 2008

its me!!!

okay so i have to really get on the ball and start blogging! since my over time i have gotten out of the habit and ALL of my kids have been sick since i have been home from the OT!! anyway i also lost my camera so did not have a lot of motivation to post cause i gotta have pics!:) anyway i found my camera at my mother in laws so i just need to go pick it up.... i have soooooo many updates and will need to do them tomorrow but thanks to all you fellow bloggers pushing me to start again! JEN! love ya


Jenny said...

YES, YES, YES! YOU POSTED! I've missed you my long lost friend! I'm excited to hear from you again :)

Jennifer said...

I love your family picture! AND the ones of the kids are adorable. Glad to see you blogging again!

Jenn said...

Welcome back long lost friend.

Hey I was wondering if my bro-in-law ever called your sis? I keep forgetting when we chat via phone... so let me know! And cute page! Fun fun!

Jenn said...
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