Today I had my first "check" check up with my O.B....blee! The good news was that the baby turned on its own so its finally head down! YEAH! (my prayers were answered!) The bad news (for me) I am only dilated to a 1plus..and only 55% effaced..what the!! I am always at least a 3 and 70% by now!! I just think this baby wants to see how fat I can get haha!!I scheduled my induction for Feb 5th so at least I will be 1 week early...I dont have as much FMLA at work to use so I have to be induced and it would be nice to not have matt miss any school or work for the birth. Anyway I am really excited to meet our little one soon! woot!! and of course excited to not have swollen legs, feet and face! This age thing is really taking a toll on me! I do NOT see how woman can have babies in their fortys! NO WAY!! My kids are all getting REALLY excited to find out what we are having! Parker just KNOWS its a girl..(poor guy has stopped hoping for a brother) and all the girls just KNOW its a boy!! haha! it will be so fun to see!
Isabelle had her ear surgery yesterday and did sooo well!! I couldnt believe it! ALL my girls when they have woken up from surgery just cry...but NOT izzy! The nurses couldnt believe how good she was...all until we were about to leave and I had to put the hospital toy down that she had been playing with. Then the screaming and craziness began!! Oh man I have never seen her so out of control...I felt so bad! :( ...she bit Matt on the face on the way out of the hospital and drew blood...she scratched him and was just screaming...It was for sure the anesthesia that was making her act this way...on the way home she screamed at the top of her lungs, bit herself 4 times and was spitting (seemed like foaming at the mouth) and trying to get out of her carseat...It was the longest drive home ever!! Once we got home she immediately calmed down when we got her a sippy cup of milk and has been AWESOME ever since!! Phew!!
Disfunção Erétil E Diabetes Mellitus
6 years ago
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