Friday, August 8, 2008


wow! there have been soooo many changes in our little lives!
1-my children have learned to play with each other!
2- we have learned to sleep in the same room as 1 big happy family!
3- Haven talks and talks and she has learned to crawl out of her playpin!
4- Parker has decided to start school! wahoo!
6-sammy and parker start school in another week!
7- we have a yard to play in and a basement to relax in!

man o man what a fabulous couple of months!
my sister decided not to sell her home because it is too perfect:)
so we decided not to build and get into an existing home in South Jordan. we absolutely LOVE it! the ward is awesome and there are sooo many different ages of children, i actually have babysitters in the ward.
we moved in this last saturday so things are soo new to us..we have LOVED being with my inlaws. we have grown so much closer as a family!
it was really sad to leave(especially now that i have to clean a whole house now!)

samm starts first grade soon and is super excited to eat school lunch, go figure! wasnt that the best thing about school! duh!
and Parker has all of a sudden decided he wants to go sooo bad, he has grown up so much since the move! i am of course so excited to have 2 in school, this will be nice:)
matt has really been enjoying weeding the yard and the garden! you would think he did it a lot as a kid! lol!
i got internet and a phone today so i am happy to beable to blog again! i will put pics up as soon as i can find my camera:)


Jacki said...

Woo hoo! I'm so happy for you guys. I can't wait to see the house.

Aubrey said...

Yea that is so nice to have your own home and space again. Thanks for the tour of your new home it is georgous. And thanks again for letting Kelsie come play.

Jenny said...

Parker is going to go to school?! Thats wonderful! He and Rachel will have to swap Kindergarten stories :) Your home is beautiful! I am very happy for you guys :)