Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fun weekend


This has been a great weekend! I spent the whole day with my 4 beautiful children! we watched rataooie I think that is how you spell it? anyway and we went shopping together and went on a walk...then saturday night i babysat my cute little nephew, Payton..he is such a doll ..he reminds me of my brother Spencer when he was a baby cause he is really tall and his little hands and feet are pretty sweaty so they are kinda sticky! he absolutely LOVES sammy he could not stop grabbing at her and watching her,,it was really cute...then this morning i was making popeye pancakes that i make every sunday and we were OUT of kids were devastated soooo i called my mom to ask how to make homemade and she said just add some flavor to some karosyrup cause i did not have any maple i added some strawberry extract and BOY did my kids LOVE it! they had to lick every last drop off their was sooo stinkin funny!
I also had a wonderful day at church today cause i was called to the primary presidency! WAY fun! i am extremely nervous but sooo excited at the same has not been that long since i have been out of primary so i am still really familiar with the kids. I hear that the ladies i will be with are awesome so i am excited to make some new friendships in the ward and to be with the children again!
well hope every one has a fantastic week!


Jenn said...

primary rocks! what a sweet calling lucky!!!

Jennifer said...

I wasn't at church because I had a sick child, but I am excited for you. You are awesome with kids so I know you will be great!

Jenny said...

I love the pictures of payton! He's so cute! What a cool idea with the syrup! I'm so excited for you and your new calling. You will really get close with these women in primary and build lasting least I did in mine. You'll love it!

Becky and Bryce said...

How creative making homemade syrup. We too have to have pancakes, waffles, french toast anything you can put syrup on, but when I run out... I run out end of story. Will have to try that someday. So excited to be working with you. I KNOW you'll do awesome, because you are awesome.