Saturday, November 3, 2007

Motherhood Take One

Okay so yesterday I worked all day from 9am to almost 9pm and had no idea about the day my sweet little brother had with my 4 children! I was moved to a new team yesterday and did not have the phone # and was a little occupied to call home, or even call my I never got a report back to see how samm got on the bus, how Haven was feeling and if Aubs and Parker are being nice to each other....Today I worked from 6am to 430pm and decided to call my bro after samm was off too I got the story of my life:):) brother was telling me that yesterday Parker was pretty naughty cause he would not listen to him and finally hit my brother in the face! I was not thrilled at that of course but thats my parker and my brother thinks its soo funny,,, then he proceeds to laugh and tell me about sammy from yesterday...
SPENCER: samm go brush your teeth you have 20 minutes before the bus is here and you need to get dressed
SAMM: okay.........
20 minutes later
SPENCER: samm what are you doing you are going to be late
SAMM: I am doing my hair
SPENCER: well, you have to hurry and get your shoes on cause the bus is coming
SAMM: okay!( and puts on these ,I think are hideous, but she loves them ,sparkly black slip on shoes.
SPENCER: wait you are not dressed!
SAMM: ummmmm
SPENCER: there is not time, get your shoes on and lets go , where is your backpack?
SAMM: I don't know?
SPENCER: just take Parkers spiderman one
SAMM: okay
they go running out the door and I guess samm barely makes it on the bus IN HER PAJAMAS AND A SPIDERMAN BACKPACK!!!!!!!!!!!

He told me this morning and I was in a bit of shock, I could not believe my little 5 year old had to go to school in her jammies..that poor thing..I asked her about it tonight and she said she was soo embarrassed so she did not tell anyone and she felt weird all day ..I asked her if her teacher said anything and she said yes, she toLd me hey cute jammies....HAHAHAHA! I am so embarrassed yet it makes me laugh so hard I want to cry!.....the best thing of it all is I sent a note to school with samm for her teacher telling her I was not able to come in to volunteer that day cause i had to work , so hopefully she knows I was not home to dress my child and do her hair.LOL!

anyway my brother is awesome and I love that he takes care of all my kids while I am at work! what does that say about him? well I guess he will be ready for father hood one day and will leave the takin care of the kids to the wife:)

so I did ask him though how today went since I did not see my kids this morning and he said samm was trying to get him to put a ponytail in her hair and he had NO idea how to do that!LOL..I tell ya this has been a FUN week!!!!


Anonymous said...

I can empathize with your brother. I remember three little girls who didn't look too good at church one Sunday because their dad (me) didn't have the foggiest idea how to fix their hair! LOL

Jenn said...

ROFL---- This was great! I remember when I was little one time I thought it would be easier to just wear my Jammies under my school clothes... that way after school I could get comfterable REALLY quick! So I wore my favorite silky red Jammies to school and mid way through the day I totally felt embarrased and went into the bathroom and took them off from under my clothes! It makes me laugh now, so some day that will be a funny memory for Samm! Hahaha for now it will be a funny memory for everyone else!

Becky and Bryce said...

I love that story!!! Ya gotta hand it to your brother. Mine freaks out if I'm going to be longer then an hour if he's watching the older two (and that is with his Wifes help) Ya just gotta laugh at life!!